Sunday, June 24, 2012


Yes, Life’s like that.
Time check: Dropped on the road to pick up my car from The City Bar
Time check: Came back to odd non-Sanskrit chants from the crowded by-lanes
Time check: Cried my heart out to Extreme Make-overs Home edition (Yes … cry. There were children and dogs. All you machismo totting ‘nay-Sayers’, real men cry and wear pink)
Time check: Sauntered down the street hunting for food to eat (literally)
Time check: Got ogled at by 15 something girls (yes .. I’m 30, I don’t have a paunch and my t-shirt has form .. So?)
Time check: Got ogled at by 20 something boys (Yes .. I have large arms, no they are not implants and yes it’s shaved)
Time check: Found out that dosas are not lunch
Time check: Thought about posting the blog I wrote, but realized no one was going to understand and pretend to like it anyway. Openly and secretly there would be talk about how I write something a particular way to overcomplicate things (‘Dimwits! That’s how I write!’)
Time check: Bought a couple of ice-creams
Time check: Continued crying to Extreme Make-overs on BBC
Time check: Wondered why advertising agencies think that the only thing that can sell their products is sex (and Indian television spots look dangerously close to American ones)
Time check: Answered some angry ex-girlfriend messages, did not respond to several others
Time check: Wrote something
Time check: Realized how happy I am just being. Just … being.
And how I need nothing.
Yes, Life IS like that

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