Disclaimer: The construct of white and black are never clearly defined.
If that statement seemed vague, be warned, we delve gravely into the
fastidiously inane.
Premise: In a time not too past, a debate about all black, white and
grey waged in the smart phones of some of the people loved and admired the most
in this personal reality.
Story: There was, in a time of the heathen gods, a whore (comment on
profession not character, with no distinct gender, addressed as W) who sat and
counted the pillage. Through the evening’s rising fog, the familiar patter of
horse shoes heard every night meant the local lord (species, gender and
ethereal orientation unspecific) would ‘meet’ W. W looked forlorn, kicked,
complained, screamed, shouted, kicked again, but as the carriage arrived, knocked
heels and sauntered in for another night of fornication. As the carriage left,
W sat again counting the pillage.
Comment: The indifference of our species; the fraudulent government;
the sinking nation; the rising prices; the form of feminism; the insensitive
spouse and the expanding belly are all today’s tired Truth (alliteration to a
cause). Look forlorn, kick, scream, shout, kick again and yet surprisingly no
metamorphosis of the present to the Eden of ‘summom bonum’ miraculously occurs.
We may thus suppose that irrespective of exertion mentioned, the Truth
triumphantly survives.
Prestige: Stop! If You cannot be the instrument to change, you are
nothing more than that complaining whore waiting to get fucked again.
Disclaimer: A personal proclamation of an out of the closet
Premise: In a time not too past, on a social networking site, a few
painful narratives of women defiled debased and desecrated.
Story: Here we invite to the narrative an individual we mentioned
before, Aham. On hearing the hurt of a beloved, he had become belligerent. The
decision was thus made to act. Aham would, with an able aid, abduct that
offender (O) in the silent night and torture him till the shrieks shrouded that
silence to its piercing demise. He would then lock eyes, smile and proceed to
the ancient Haien punishment of rasestu. O would then be given water, food and
the will to live after which Aham would realign to the Heian penalty of kyukei
for barbarism. But only O would be dehumanized for his heinous crime. Only O.
Not his family, or his lineage, or his village, or his country or humanity.
Only O.
Comment: Generalization of the color black requires darkness to be
universal. Black exists but so does white. We have all seen that color too. Can
we not then hold the individual responsible for ignorant disgusting conduct? Do
we need to question his family, his lineage, his village, his country and
humanity; all of which could have had no or every effect on that act?
Prestige: I am Indian. I am a man. I have not and will never rape
anyone. I exist too.
Disclaimer: The human species and condition more disappoints me than
excites my being.
Premise: In a time not too past, while visiting a home for the socially
less fortunate orphans, a child smiled because we wished her to mark the date
of her coming to life; another someplace someone else asked if I would come
back just to say hello.
Story: Bengal famous thieves, Kena and Becha are on the run from The
Law. Cornered between the bars of insanity and drowning, they leap into the
unknown river that drags them downstream to a land unknown. Conscious now in
this beautiful land, the two (Avaam) realize the innocence of the indigenous
population who, though possess invaluable riches, seem oblivious of economy,
religion and apathy. They decide to plunder and fly. During the act, the entire
town gathers, not to persecute or punish but to marvel at their dexterity. Avaam
then decides to forever be beyond that land of Hottomala.
Comment: Too often now is being ‘nice’ questioned for ulterior motives;
too often have we heard about the paucity of ‘time’. There is nothing more
under rated today than a smile and time. That smiling girl and boy wished for
nothing more though they had nothing else. Extrapolate to a larger picture and
attainment of that utopian existence that will keep us beyond the land of
Hottomala may not seem fleeting. Aham will contribute to Avaam’s metamorphosis to
Vayam without fear of persecution.
Prestige: You, the individual, are the question and the answer for
everything that everyone is looking for as an excuse for existence.
In my small
opinion, smile, say ‘hello’, give him a hug, give her a kiss, send them a
pointless message, and ask the same of the others without deifying or
admonishing black and white. And for all that antagonize your present wait a
little for the future and give them … your finger!
Sentiments echoed. I share your sorrow.
Shabaaash! Kya baat! Little inspiration of one character from Dexter also :)
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