Wasn’t too long ago that an elephant was mowed down; literally, because she made her way out of her habitat, the jungle, and found herself in the quintessential concrete jungle that the world is now. Humans had no threat, all they needed to do was pacify the poor confused soul, yet they chose the path of the higher being, owing to their surprising intelligence and shot the animal down. Of course, when the elephant’s infant walked along beside his mother, wailing for her, the tabloids had a field day talking about animal activism while not one of the cameramen or women actually stopped the Human from shooting the elephant down.
“Wake up! Wake up mom!”, I said. No reply! And then I realized that she was gone. I sat by her side hoping that at some point in the night she would return. Why did she not get up and take me home? Had I been bad? Had I walked too far from the jungle? Was it me because of whom mother had gone? And who are these animals beside me walking on two legs? Wake up mom! Wake up! Why did they pull my mother down? Don’t they understand that all we were doing was taking a stroll? Don’t they understand that all my mother wanted to do was to protect me?
Animals are rational and everything they do has a rationale behind it. If they chase you while you walk down a dark alley it should be because past experiences taught them that someone walking in a dark alley in the wee hours of the night is not always good news. Fearing an animal heightens their sense of apprehension and as most sports persons will have you believe; offense is the best form of defense. The fear that they smell makes them fear you. Respect; that’s something they need; respect for the animal kingdom, not fear.
Wake up! Wake up Mom! Now they take me away. Take me away to somewhere they want to take me. Who the hell are they to decide where I want to live? O animal with two feet! Why can’t you let me be? Let me exist! Our law shall now take over. O Sun, the judge of all, allow me to fell this being for he has sinned. He has stolen all you ever gave me!
And we wonder why the elephant killed man?